You may submit your calendar ad information below. Please send in any artwork by e-mail [email protected] or to 1090 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena, 91106. Name * Mailing Address * Daytime Phone Number(s) * E-Mail * CALENDAR AD SIZES & PRICING SPONSOR A MONTH Sponsor a month in the calendar Insert your own greeting $360 CALENDAR BANNER ADS Whole Banner $720 Whole Page $1,250 Advertising Insert Pages Whole Page $1,250 1/2 Page $720 1/4 Page $540 Business Card $250 Greetings $54 - Include a personal greeting to the community. BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY/YAHRZEIT $54 EACH. For five or more dates submitted, the price is $36 each. Please include name, occasion and date (for Yahrzheits please include date/month/year so that we can accurately determine the Hebrew date). If you would like to use the same dates as last year, please indicate so in the space below and we will confirm with you via email last year's calendar information. You may mail in your payment or make a secure online payment here at our online donation page. click here This page uses 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure.