In advance of the Yizkor prayers to be recited on Yom Kippur, Chabad of Pasadena will publish a Yizkor Book of Rememberance. This book will also be used for the other times during the year when Yizkor is recited.

The book is a fitting way to pay tribute to the memory of our dearly departed relatives and friends. Four names can be listed in the book for a nominal donation of $54, and additional names are $5. Any contribution above the minimum would be sincerely appreciated.

If you are including the same names as last year, you may indicate that on the form.

Please submit this form along with your payment by Tuesday, Oct. 9th.

If you would like to participate in this year's Yizkor book, but will be unable to attend Yizkor services, a Yizkor book will be available for you to pick up or we can mail one to your home.  Please specify in the comments below.

  Your Information:
City, State
Daytime Phone


Remembered by *

Check here if you participated in the previous Yizkor Book and there are no changes to those names. You need not list their names below. We have the information on file.

To add names to the Book, please provide the information here:
In Memory of:

Person #1
Person #2
Person #3
Person #4
Person #5

Comment Box

  Payment Information: [this form is secure]
Method of Payment will send check credit card
use credit card on file

Credit Card #

Exp. Date (MM/YYYY)
Security Code
Amount of donation


Please note that you will receive a receipt by mail from us for your payment