Weekday Services:
In-Person Services
Sunday Mornings 9:00am
Monday - Friday 6:30am
Saturday Night - Maariv 20 minutes after the conclusion of Shabbat
Shabbat Services:
Friday Night: Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat at Candlelighting Time
Shabbat Morning: 9:00am class, Shachrit 10:00am Followed by a delicious Kiddush!
Join us for Shabbat Morning Services at the Chabad Center followed by a lavish kiddush luncheon. The traditional service is designed to guide you step-by-step and will make you comfortable regardless of previous exposure and background. This, coupled with modern Jewish melodies and an easy to read prayer book translation will make Shabbat prayer services an enjoyable and meaningful experience for you.
A Kiddush buffet luncheon follows Shabbat services every week. If you'd like to sponsor a kiddush in honor or in memory of a family member or friend, please contact Chani Hanoka at (626) 818-4573.
Men's Mikvah:
Chabad of Pasadena has a men's mikvah, Mikvah Yosef Yitzchok, For information about using the men's mikvah please contact us here